Friday, September 28, 2018

Compare and contrast ESSAY

In the story of " Young Goodman Brown " we found out that he was dreaming. The poem " A dream within a dream" by Edgar Allan poe talks about dreaming or so we think we are dreaming. In both stories, they seem to have the same message and share some of the same similarities. Also they have some differences. These story's have their own tone to it from detail to detail.

In the story " Young Goodman Brown " by hawthorns talks about Brown's werid and odd experienced he had well dreaming. The tone of this story was intense and mysterious just by the tone of the author, the story explains what happens to brown during the forest just by the tone. This story talks about how brown lost his faith and was fooled by characters within the story. brown fell asleep in the forest and the ending explains how he wakes up in the forest, thats how we knew he was dreaming.

In the poem " A Dream Within a Dream " also talks about dreaming. The tone to this poem expresses how a dream and life can be very alike. Sometimes we have dreams and in those dreams we we're dreaming, and wake up in our dream and still dreaming, once we finally wake up we ask our self's " was I dreaming?" and sometimes are dreams can feel so real that we sometimes experience a werid " coincidence " and question our self's threw out the day, or some people like to call them " Deja vu "

The tone used for both of these story's are kind of similar, the story of " Young Goodman Brown " has a mysterious tone, and the tone of the poem is more of a calm talking tone.

As you can see, both story's are kind of similar in variety ways, both have their own tone, both have different views of their own dreaming. reading both of these story's personally has me thinking am I really living this life or am I dreaming.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Response to ‘ A Dream Within A dream ‘

My response to this poem would be, that the poem is talking about if your dreaming or is it all real. In the poem he says ‘ In a night, or in a day,
In a vision, or in none,
Is it therefore the less gone?‘ 
To me that means just because we are sleeping and think we are dreaming are we really dreaming ?or are we still awake?

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Here's what I learned today

Today I learned about how much I put into my blog. Honestly I am very proud of how far I've become threw out this year, and how mentally I changed, I'm so curious of how far this boog can take me in the future and how it will help me get where I want to achieve in the future.

Today I Was Thinking

Today in class we wrote in our journals which is a everyday thing we do to warm up. I usually talk to everyone, I'm a friendly person and try to be kind to everyone, but sometimes people my kindness can be tested and sometimes I do get bothered by people. I been the type to really not care what they think of me, beacuse if someone dosent like me then I really dont care. I try to stay positive during the day.

Young GoodMan Brown Discussion

I believe that everything that young Goodman experienced was all a dream. Other people might disagree and believe that he was awake during all of this, but when he went into the woods he fell asleep, and when he fell asleep everything he feared became reality, his friends, family and his wife who he had put all his trust in had betrayed him.

Vocab From Young GoodMan brown

Blasphemer- speak irreverently about god or sacred things.

Sermon- A talk on a religious or moral subject, especially one given during church service and based on a passage from the bible.

Melancholy- a feeling of pensive sadness, typically with no obvious cause.

Innumerable- Too many to be counted (often used hyperbolically)

Irrepressible- Not able to be controlled or restrained.

Fervid- intensely enthusiastic or passionate, especially to an excessive degree.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018


I believe young good man was awake when he experienced all of this. Young good man was put to test for his faith and he did not achieve it. The ‘devil’ Whitch was an ordinary person was brought up in this novel, good man decided to leave his house after he was told not too. At the end young good man ‘ woke up’ but when he woke up he wasn’t the same as before he left.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Young Goodman Brown Q&A

  1. I think that hawthorne's purpose for writing this story is how having a religion helps, but also losing faith can be easy.
  2. After reading this story I believe that brown's wife is named 'faith' just at the fact faith goes along with this story, and the way they describe his wife sounds just about right that her name would be faith.
  3. The pink ribbons represents the wife, beacuse every time brown's wife is mentioned pink ribbons would appear.
  4. In the story everything that brown went threw was only a dream, it was a bad dream a evil dream. In the story it mentioned " Had Goodman brown fallen asleep in the forest, and only dreamed of a witch meeting? Be it so, if you will. But alas! it was a dream of evil omen for young Goodman brown"
  5. I also believe that the old man is the devil. In the story the make it seem like the devil is a normal person but he is not.
  6. In the story the staff represents the demon.
  7. I feel like his life would be different beacuse he would not have to experience scary places like this, and if he would've stayed home he would have not lost his faith.

The Socratic Method

The Socratic Method to me means, someone asking another person a series of questions. Another way to put it is, someone asking questions to try to get a sort of answer or in some cases the 'truth' but they're doing in a way based of questions, kind of of tricking the person in to telling them instead of just asking right away.

Sunday, September 9, 2018


This week we learned about essays and forms of essays. Essay’s don’t always have to be the 5 paragraph essay. It could be just yourthoughts and how you want it to be.

Friday, September 7, 2018

What is love?

Yesterday one of my friends asked me a question, ‘ what is love to you? ‘ it took me some time to respond but I told her, ‘ love is love, it keeps us going. Without love people would
Not last long, there would be nothing to live for, and sometimes we wish it was forever but sadly it’s not. Love is romantic it’s a part of life, it’s the reason why most of us were born, people do crazy stuff for love. Love is love, doesn’t have to be with a significant other, love could be towards a object, for a passion, or towards yourself’ 

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


Making a essay can be sometimes difficult at times, it takes time and a lot of thinking, sometimes we have to do rough-drafts to see were things go and what makes sense for people who reads our essay's understandable. When I'm writing essay's I think of what to say first see what words sound best for me and my readers.

Monday, September 3, 2018

Essay response

Samuel Alonso 

‘Conscience of a hacker’

   ‘ conscience of a hacker ‘ is a essay about a boy (mentor) who’s a hacker in the late 80’s. Many teachers and adults don’t really agree with technology. But mentor way of learning is threw computers, that’s his way and what helps him learn. Teachers mistake him for cheating at times because he didn’t show his work ‘  I understand it. "No, Ms.
Smith, I didn't show my work. I did it in my head..." Mentor is smarter than most kids at school he learns in a different way than others, they call him a criminal because of his curiosity of technology and learning. The point of this essay is that people learn differently and have they’re own routines and way they prefer.  The message I received was that technology is gonna be a big part of the world, everything we use and rely on a daily basses is all technology, one other message I recvied was that it’s okay to have a special way of learning.

Chapter 1 notes- brave new world