Friday, September 28, 2018

Compare and contrast ESSAY

In the story of " Young Goodman Brown " we found out that he was dreaming. The poem " A dream within a dream" by Edgar Allan poe talks about dreaming or so we think we are dreaming. In both stories, they seem to have the same message and share some of the same similarities. Also they have some differences. These story's have their own tone to it from detail to detail.

In the story " Young Goodman Brown " by hawthorns talks about Brown's werid and odd experienced he had well dreaming. The tone of this story was intense and mysterious just by the tone of the author, the story explains what happens to brown during the forest just by the tone. This story talks about how brown lost his faith and was fooled by characters within the story. brown fell asleep in the forest and the ending explains how he wakes up in the forest, thats how we knew he was dreaming.

In the poem " A Dream Within a Dream " also talks about dreaming. The tone to this poem expresses how a dream and life can be very alike. Sometimes we have dreams and in those dreams we we're dreaming, and wake up in our dream and still dreaming, once we finally wake up we ask our self's " was I dreaming?" and sometimes are dreams can feel so real that we sometimes experience a werid " coincidence " and question our self's threw out the day, or some people like to call them " Deja vu "

The tone used for both of these story's are kind of similar, the story of " Young Goodman Brown " has a mysterious tone, and the tone of the poem is more of a calm talking tone.

As you can see, both story's are kind of similar in variety ways, both have their own tone, both have different views of their own dreaming. reading both of these story's personally has me thinking am I really living this life or am I dreaming.

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Chapter 1 notes- brave new world