Friday, November 2, 2018

Emerson’s essay

Emerson’s “ self- realiance” is based a lot on being your own person, and that we should not be afraid to be who want to be. Reliance- dependence on or trus in Somone or somthing. Self- reliance to me means don’t depend on others, that you are your own person. Take control of your life, don’t let other people bring you down. Do wheat you want to do in life.
Emerson’s tone to this essay is very powerful, his tone is very inspiring. Emerson’s dosent Carr what other people think of him or what people have to say.
Emerson’s essay on self- reliance is very inspirational I thought of some of the things Emerson talked about. the number one message that helped me understand this essay is be your OWN person, and thats what I’m going to do, I’m not gonna let others bring me down in the future, and I’m going to take control in my own life.

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Chapter 1 notes- brave new world